Tuesday, December 19, 2006



Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Polytx/Teddy R

Most of us know they don't make 'em like that anymore! Teddy Roosevelt was one helluva man, and he proved it: cleaned up Tammany Hall political crooks in New York City, reformed the U.S. Civil Service Commission, was police commissioner in NYC, Secretary of the Navy, enforced the Sherman Anti-trust act against business monopolies (which the present administration has been tearing down for 5 years), "championed the rights of' the little man,'" originated the Big Stick policy InRE the Monroe Doctrine keeping others out of our bailiwick, rode at San Juan Hill, in the war with Spain, 1898, in Cuba, and may have been the most fair and honest man ever to achieve U.S. public office. Teddy Roosevelt needs to be reincarnated, to return to our country and destroy the Tammany rats, both Republicans and Democrats who are destroying our country. One helluva guy, Teddy. For a good read: Dakota by Matt Braun , St. Martin's paperbacks.

Sunday, October 15, 2006



Interested in Illegal Alien felons? What's the liberal thinking of Texas Democrats on legal and illegal immigration?
"Congressman ------'s plan for immigration calls for a common sense approach...we must have a secure border, but we can do this without turning it into a militarized zone or encouraging vigilantism among our citizens... (where is vigilantism occurring?) .

"Those who come to this country should be treated with human dignity they deserve, and there should be a system in place to ensure that they can become citizens of our country in a fair and timely fashion...

"...right now there is no incentive for an illegal immigrant to become a citizen. if we do not crack down on illegal hiring, we are doing a disservice to immigrants. The exploitation of illegal workers is widespread across the country, and particularly in Texas...We do not intend to portray immigrants who come to our country as anything other than they are: decent people looking for a better life. We want to give it to them...

In order to preserve the American dream, we must preserve the current laws of our country and enforce them, but we must also recognize that vast changes need to be made."

The above is the thinking of most Democrats in Congress and their candidates for election in this country. Fining companies that hire illegals is a no brainer, and we point out that Republicans in the administration and the president have really done almost nothing to halt the takeover of America by foreign interests. In truth, G.W. and the administration have not reacted in favor of Americans, but "kicking and screaming," dug in their heels, as witness, the failure to spend money allocated for building a "700 mile fence." American voters need new, patriotic candidates who will pay more than lip sevice to and rebuild our middle class.

We would suggest, where possible, ex veterans of foreign wars.

Does treating illegal lawbreakers with "respect" mean we grant them access to American worker's social security cache? Does it mean, from a Republican standpoint, that we allow illegals in as strikebreakers, to destroy, as they have, hospitalization and pensions? Does it mean we allow destructive and criminal illegals to destroy our country, as they are doing?

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Polytx/Popeye's Spinach

Hasn't it occurred to most folks that e-coli just might be due to illegal alien pickers crapping
in the spinach fields, just as they do in Mexico, and all over the border country (American side)
in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California?

Monday, September 18, 2006



Aren't Powell's recent anti-Administration remarks nothing more than Jamaican diplomacy? He did get a Purple Heart for "stepping on a punji stick in VN." In WWII, generals and doggies were fortunate to get 3-4 rows of ribbons. Today, officers and men often get up to 8 rows of ribbons. This WWII swab wonders if some of this avalanche of spaghetti sauce is for trivialities? This is not to badmouth the American Armed Forces to whom we owe so much for their selfless work in behalf of American citizens.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006



Are you being robbed? Haven't you had the sneaking feeling that your cellphone company was padding your bill? Come on. How could anyone know they weren't defrauding customers of millions of dollars each billing circuit? Take Verizon as an example. Nothing like the old Bell system where you automatically received a monthly billing of every call you made long distance. Most businesses give you a billing receipt for every purchase when you pay at checkout. Verizon only gives you a total and, like Jimmy Carter, says "Trust me." There's no way to check their accuracy except by paying them even more money to do what other businesses do as part of your purchase. Congress needs to have hearings on the charges made by all cell companies, a check to learn if Americans are being defrauded to death, and a law that makes cell companies itemize calls. ***



Economic gurus have our nation's moms and pops writhing in pain. Colleges and Universities are going to cost $50,000 a year when 'Jimmy' gets that age! Better start saving now, they say. Get a special savings account for colleges. Save till it hurts. But the Houston CHRONICLE, Tues., July 4th, 2006, pB3 says: "Houston Community College rally backs tuition breaks for illegal immigrants." Say, WHATTTTT? This charade performed by "...20 young people" at HCC, is more of the Wash. DC same, where criminal illegals paraded with Mexican flags to protest our "girly guys" Senate and House that denied them amnesty. Soooo, how cum dese folk get free eds from HCC, and where does HCC's funding and liberal giveaways come from with your tax dollars? ***

Monday, June 19, 2006


Polytx/Raise$s for Congress?

Can you believe it? Of course, you can.

C-Span, 0652, Monday, 6/10/2006 reports that a vote was taken in the House of Representatives in Washington, DC to raise the income of Representatives. Reps voted overwhelmingly for the increase in salary, BUT they also voted for a non-attributive vote, to keep their names off the vote, so that you wouldn't know if your Rep. voted to raise his own salary! Nice guys. More phony machinations from D.C.

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